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Discover our useful links and additional resources within this section. If you require any information, please contact our Academy Enquiries email address.

Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to Hazlehurst Primary Academy. I am delighted and proud to be the Principal at such a nurturing and caring school where pupils, staff, governors, parents and the school community work extremely hard and have high expectations of one another. We are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning – achieved through a combination of challenge, support, encouragement and praise – to ensure that all students fulfil their potential. We are also committed to ensuring that Hazlehurst Primary Academy is a safe school that has safeguarding, of all children, staff and visitors, as the highest priority.

At Hazlehurst Primary Academy you will find a welcoming and purposeful environment, with relationships built on mutual respect. In school, pupils develop skills for lifelong learning. Achievement and a ‘can do’ attitude are at the heart of our philosophy; we support this through nurturing pupils’ creativity, encouraging independent thinking and learning and showing that mistakes can be a learning opportunity.

Thank you for visiting our school website which provides a wealth of information about the school and our offer to pupils.

  • ‘Our Academy‘ section covers all the information you need as a current or prospective parent.
  • In our ‘Key Information‘ section you will find tabs that cover our curriculum, policies and admissions procedures as well as links to our latest Ofsted report and our most recent performance data.
  • The ‘Search’ function at the top of the page allows you to search for specific information using keywords.
  • Our ‘News & Information‘ section has photographs of our most recent events and activities from individual classes.

We hope you enjoy exploring this website and finding out about our school. If you would like a tour, please contact the office and arrange an appointment. I am always happy to show visitors the work of our successful school.

Anne-Marie Knowles

Hazlehurst Primary Academy is a member of Northern Education Trust The Northern Education Trust includes a diverse range of schools across the North of England.

All of our inspected academies are rated GOOD or OUTSTANDING by ofsted.

View our academies