Introduction and Overview
Our academy has carefully designed an exciting, modern and well thought out curriculum.
The purpose of our curriculum is to ensure that all students are prepared learners for the 21st century and are well equipped for Year 7 and beyond. Our curriculum begins in Nursery/ Reception and will introduce our children to the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will help them develop a love for their lifelong learning. We want our children to be confident, resilient and independent learners and ensure that they have an appreciation of their own place in the wider world.
We constantly review our curriculum to ensure that students receive the best possible education and the highest standards in all subjects. We have organised each curriculum area into individual subject disciplines such as art, geography and history: enabling teachers to carefully plan each stage of learning and check for prior knowledge.
The 3 ‘E’s’
The curriculum is built on a foundation of three ‘e’s’:
- entitlement: outlines the core classroom offer
- enrichment: closing the disadvantaged gap – ensuring all children have opportunities for first hand learning
- element – ensuring pupils have the opportunity to pursue subjects they show flair and have a passion for
Subject specific sequencing
Each subject discipline has been planned to ensure that knowledge and skills are sequenced from early years to year 6.
Knowledge is empowering and provides a foundation for success. We accept that the more children know, the more they can learn. The subject overviews provide specific, detailed objectives that allow teachers to be precise in planning.
Specific elements of each curriculum area are repeated to ensure that knowledge becomes embedded. Retrieval practice forms part of regular teaching to allow pupils to secure long term knowledge.
Curriculum Overview
Please find our curriculum overview below. This explains the contexts and themes we cover over the year. It also highlights our ‘Big Ideas’. Further information about our curriculum can be found on the subject pages.
As always, if you have any questions about your child’s learning contact their teacher or the academy office.
Preparing for Disciplinary Study in the Early Years Foundation Stage
The EYFS framework is structured differently to the Primary National Curriculum as it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas.
Please find our subject summaries below, which demonstrate how the skills and knowledge taught across EYFS feed into the Primary National Curriculum subjects and our Primary Foundation Curriculum at Key Stage 1.
Richard Johnston
Curriculum Lead for Hazlehurst Primary Academy
Email: [email protected]