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We have used the National Curriculum as a basis to create an ambitious and engaging curriculum which allows all children to become passionate and confident geographers. Leaders have planned a curriculum sequenced from the beginning of early years through to clearly defined endpoints at the end of Key Stage 2. During the design phase, leaders consulted widely with Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 colleagues to ensure that the curriculum prepared students well for Year 7 and beyond.

Students learn how to become effective geographers (disciplinary knowledge) and key facts (substantive knowledge) that enables them to explore and understand, through field work and study, the world around them.

Careful consideration given to building knowledge (schema theory) and sequencing (making links over time and between themes) guarantees that children have the opportunity to build rich and detailed knowledge.

Our geography curriculum is not about separating off distinct places. It is about equipping children with key knowledge about where they live and the wider world. We develop children’s understanding of similarities and differences, the interrelationship between humans and the natural world and provide them with opportunities to appreciate the diversity of the planet on which we live. Understanding our world from both a human and physical geographical perspective is a central feature in the way we teach the subject..

We talk about ‘windows and mirrors’ to ensure the geography curriculum reflects the local context in which children live (mirror) and provides them with a ‘window’ into a diverse world.
To help students and teachers with this, we use our ‘Big Ideas’ as ‘golden threads’.

The ‘Big Ideas’ for geography are:

  • Location
  • Geographical techniques
  • Location
  • Physical features
  • Physical processes
  • Diversity
  • Human Features
  • Human processes

These ‘golden threads’ allow children to explore a theme across different units of work. The ‘Big Ideas’ allow children to create a schema of geographical knowledge that flows and progresses with them throughout their time at the academy.

Children are introduced to the main themes of a unit of work through our ‘SOAP’ (Subject On a Page). These prepare children for study by providing them with the locational knowledge and key vocabulary for the unit of work studied. These SOAPS make explicit the content that will be taught. Teachers plan carefully to ensure curriculum coverage.

Within the learning sequence we have deliberately designed a number of opportunities for assessment. At the end of each unit, students complete our ‘ROAPs’ (Review on a Page). Children are very proud of their high quality ROAPs; they enjoy showing off what they have learned. We also use a variety of fun quizzes to make learning ‘sticky’.

Our curriculum for Geography can be found in the link below. Please contact the academy to speak to our Vice Principal or your child’s teacher if you would like to know more.



Hazlehurst Primary Academy is a member of Northern Education Trust The Northern Education Trust includes a diverse range of schools across the North of England.

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